24 October 2009

Cover and more

I have very nearly finished the cover of "Judge of Israel." It is based on the same Jordan Avery design as the "Prophet" cover. I am very pleased with how it is turning out. Today Curtis Cosens is coming to update the website and help me finish up with the cover.

I have received Axel's edit (thank you again, Axel). As always, it has many suggestions and ideas that I am very excited about--things that I am certain will improve the book significantly. I am slowly working my way through them and figuring out how best to implement them.

Kate Goschen is ready to start editing as soon as I can get the manuscript to her, but is fairly certain she will not be able to finish the edit by January. So we are settling for an "early in the year" release. Stay tuned for the date of my release party.

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